5 Tips for Finding a Trustworthy Mechanic for Your Auto Repair

Are you looking for a new auto repair shop? One of the hardest parts of choosing a new auto shop is finding a mechanic you can trust.

If you need to find a new mechanic fast but aren't sure where to start, we're here to help. Here are five must-have tips on how to find the best mechanic to handle your next breakdown.

1. Stay Local

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What Happens if You Skip Out on Getting an Oil Change?

If you aren't a car lover, motor oil may just seem like another fluid you have to top off now and again but can otherwise ignore. In reality, it's essential for keeping your engine running.

Car oil serves three main functions. It keeps your engine cool, flushes away corrosive particles, and lubricates the moving parts. If it stops doing any of those things, your engine could suffer massive damage.

What happens if you avoid getting an oil change for too long, and how do you know when it's time to get one? To find out, keep reading for all the oil change basics you need to know.

What Happens if You Don't Get an Oil Change

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Brakes Making Noise? Here’s What Could be Wrong and What You Should do

Driving a car is one of the most liberating experiences - it provides transportation, but also access and freedom. Keeping your car in tip-top shape can keep you safe from harm and prevent costly repairs in the long-run.

One of the most common car problems drivers face is that of dysfunctional brakes in need of repair. Preventative maintenance, diagnosing car brake problems, and knowing when to replace your brakes are all essential to know as a car owner.

Preventative Maintenance

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How Long Do Serpentine Belts Last? A Quick Guide for New Car Owners

You've just purchased a new ride, and you feel on top of the world. But then you remember that your car has quite a few moving parts you need to take care of -- with one of them being your serpentine belt.

The serpentine belt is a continuous belt that provides power to several devices in your car's engine. These devices range from your alternator to your water pump, air pump, and air conditioner compressor.

So, exactly how long do serpentine belts last?

Here's a rundown on everything you need to know about the life of your new car's serpentine belt.

Let's jump in!

How Long Do Serpentine Belts Last?

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4 Wheel Alignment vs 2 Wheel Alignment: What’s the Difference?

Misaligned tires can cause serious damage to your vehicle. In fact, they can wear down your tire treads and cause your car to drift into other lanes or paths. Although, in order to change your alignment, what alignment method should you select?

Don’t worry; with this guide, we dived deep and further investigated the differences between each alignment method. From how much each alignment will cost to how to determine if you need a wheel alignment at all, you can learn which alignment is best for you.

Now, are you ready to learn? Here’s an insider look at 2 wheel alignment vs. 4 wheel alignment:

2 Wheel Alignment VS. 4 Wheel Alignment

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How Long Do Brake Pads Last? 4 Common Myths

Did you know that the standard braking distance for most production vehicles from 60mph to 0mph is between 120 and 140 feet on average? This should give you sufficient space to stop your car properly in case of an emergency.

At the same time, many drivers wonder how long do brake pads last? This depends on various factors, but most car brakes are designed to last between 25,000 miles and 50,000 miles on average.

Since these numbers are influenced by different factors, a lot of myths and misconceptions surround this question. Keep reading to learn more about how long do brake discs last and the myths related to a brake pad's durability

1. Your Driving Style Doesn't Influence the Lifespan of Brake Pads

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How Often to Change your Motor Oil: 5 Facts Nobody Has Ever Told You

You depend on your car for reliable transportation. That's why it's so important to keep your car in top running condition.

Preventative maintenance is often neglected by car owners. This is a shame because it's the small details that can keep your vehicle running like new for many years. Fortunately, you've come to the right place for help.

This article takes a look at how often to change your motor oil. After all, motor oil is the lifeblood of your engine, and clean oil makes all the difference. Keep reading to get the inside scoop on the critical aspect of car maintenance that every driver should know.

1. The Age of Your Car

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Tire Rotation: 5 Key Benefits of Rotating Your Tires

Are you wondering if you need to rotate your tires? Since tire rotation can impact your safety, it's important to make routine rotations a part of your car's maintenance. You'll save money in the long run and ensure a smoother, quieter ride.

Keep reading to learn 5 key benefits of tire rotation!

1. Your Tires Will Live a Longer Life

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Tracking: What Is Wheel Alignment Exactly?

Wheel alignment is incredibly important for your car to function properly. It's a vital part of keeping your car running smoothly, for a number of reasons. It's one of the main ways you can ensure your tires last as long as possible, for one thing. Tires are expensive, so you want to make sure that they last as long as possible.

Wheel alignment is also important for comfortability. Having misaligned tires can lead to your suspension not functioning properly. If you want a smooth, comfortable ride, you need to seek out a wheel alignment service from time to time.

But what is wheel alignment, exactly? Let's find out!

What Is Wheel Alignment?

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Hybrid Car Maintenance: 5 Tips for Looking After Your Hybrid

Did you know that hybrid vehicles produce significantly lower tailpipe emissions than conventional vehicles? If you own a hybrid car, you can rest assured that you're leaving a lower carbon footprint on the road.

However, to maximize the efficiency of your car and get all the benefits of driving a hybrid vehicle, you need to pay attention to the rules of hybrid car maintenance.

Not sure where to start? This guide will walk you through the basics.

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